A lot of fairly innovative mechanics, which to this day are not found anywhere. And of course, an absolutely unique magic system, when spells are cast through drawing the runes with the mouse on the screen. If you are a fan of RPG games and for some reason did not play Arx Fatalis, we definitely advise you to play. Fortunately, the game costs ridiculous money even without any discounts.All RPG fans are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with the game. The gameplay, to which many modern games, like to the moon on foot. There is physics (to cook food, you need to THROW it in the oven, or a bonfire to forge a sword, you must first THROW the ore into the smelter, pay an ingot from it, and then PUT this ingot under the press with a pre-prepared form.) In general, the gameplay is very cool. The atmosphere of a gloomy, slowly dying world. From going to the tomb there, cold sweat still breaks through.Before us is a dark and gloomy dungeon with its flora and fauna, only the hero will not come to find another valuable trophy. All the inhabitants, be they humans, goblins, orcs, trolls, huge spiders, and other animals - they all live here. Outside of our cloister - impenetrable emptiness, darkness, and cold.
File Size: 498.80 MB
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Features of Arx Fatalis:
- An interesting and thoughtful setting, quite unusual.
- Even now, after so many years, the game can create a special, rather gloomy atmosphere.
- In some places, the game scares even worse than any horror.
- Indeed, you begin to believe in this underworld.
Minimum System Requirements:
- Windows XP,
- 500 MHz Pentium ® III or compatible,
- 64 MB RAM ,
- DirectX 8 or higher,
- DirectX 8 compatible sound
- and a graphics card with 16 MB,
- 750 MB fixed disks