Slackware64-14.2 is still used as the base, with all of its security patches updated.
This iso is a checkpoint for the stable version, all base packages have been updated, like firmwares, kernel... browser etc.
How the kernel comes out with linux-5.4.91 LTS
As a browser, it brings the recently released Chrome 88, which in addition to many security patches, finally eliminated flash player support.
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The changes a priori are not many, but they are of great impact.
The most notable could be the finally update to the aircrack-ng suite tool used to mount devices in monitor mode.
For three years now, the versions of airmon-ng from 1.4, no longer generate virtual interfaces of the monX type, but instead destroy the interface and generate a new one for the monitor mode of the wlanXmon type, that change generated that ALL , the automatics (scripts) that wifislax had at that time will fail, by varying said sharing airmon-ng.
Many of these scripts have been adapted to finally make the leap, this will upset many, since to date, there are no compatible versions of utilities such as linset or derivatives.

However, in the iso, an old version of airmon-ng is kept, called "airmon-ng-old", so some scripts might work simply by changing the calls to airmon-ng to airmon-ng-old.
Another significant change was to discard version 1.4 of reaver, and start using the current version adopted by all distros (1.6.x), the tests that I carried out gave better results working with everything new, than in the same scenario using the old tools, so that gave me another push towards said change.
The system supports multilib as standard, for proper wine operation.
AMD / RADEON graphics cards are finally unsupported, since a couple of years ago, AMD decided to distribute its driver in the form of "binary", and not as "installable", as it was before, that makes it work on some distros, it's quite an odyssey.